TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - How so?
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Subject How so?
Posted by LJZTT on March 08, 2022 at 9:33 PM
  This message has been viewed 359 times.
In Reply To Wow...... Good news for the rest of us. (n/m) posted by Musashi Sword on March 07, 2022 at 08:06 AM
Message Better plan on selling before the US dollar becomes worth less than a single sheet of toilet paper.

This is not a case of the value of these cars actually going up. I mean after all, I don't recall hearing anything about Z32's taking a starring role in any of the latest F&F movies....and apparently that is what makes cars valuable according to many people who post here.....but I wouldn't know as I haven't watched any of those movies.

This is straight up runaway inflation on parade. As an experiment, last fall I listed my 2017 Frontier 4x4 with 70k miles for $1k over what I paid for it in 2017 with 27 miles on it.

I got plenty of offers.

So if you're going to sell, what are you waiting for?? What good is fetching 50-75k for your Z going to do if a house costs 2 or 3 million? if a '23 Z costs 100k+?

You want the smart play?
SECURE an order for a '23 Z now or as soon as dealers are permitted to do so (IF they are even permitted to do so by the factory/Nissan NA) and flip that shit for way better profits, way less headache, AND you get to keep your classic.

Even if you want a Z35 for yourself, you should know by now that Nissan is a maker you need to wait at least 3 model years into a run before buying if you want the best version of the car.

35 years ago...or now?

"If there's a new way, I'll be the first in line.....but it better work this time."

"I torch my soul to show the world that I am pure deep inside my heart...."
--William Patrick Corgan

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